MSDH Diabetes Prevention and Control Program

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The Mississippi Diabetes Prevention and Control Program is a federally funded state-based program established for the purpose of reducing the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Mississippi and increasing the quality of life for all persons.

Goals and Priorities

The Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (DPCP) will effect positive change by offering training and education that will allow Mississippians to better self-manage diabetes and other chronic diseases. The DPCP will foster opportunities to link the community to available services that otherwise are underutilized by collaborating with health systems, community leaders, coalitions and other organizations. The DPCP will strive to implement and offer Diabetes Self - Management Education and Support, The National Diabetes Prevention Program, and increase access to AADE and ADA recognized programs as a catalyst to improve services to people with or at risk for diabetes, and to enhance the quality of life for all Mississippians.

The target population for this domain embraces all Mississippi residents with an emphasis on areas with the highest prevalence of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. To reach the medically underserved and those seeking services through safety net healthcare providers, DPCP will utilize established internal and external partners. Opportunities to work with both local and national organizations will be leveraged for a focused impact. Specific program goals and activities include:


Promote awareness of pre-diabetes among people at high risk for type 2 diabetes

  • Implement a worksite pre-diabetes awareness program.
  • Conduct regional training sessions and provide technical assistance and resources to health care systems on the current American Diabetes Association (ADA) Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosing pre-diabetes.
  • Partner with clinical practice sites and health care systems to administer evidenced-based diabetes risk tests.
  • Partner with community-based organizations and Congregational Health Nurses to administer evidenced-based diabetes risk tests.
  • Support policy development through the Diabetes Coalition of Mississippi for reimbursement of pre-diabetes screening in lifestyle intervention programs.

Self-Management Programs

Promote participation in American Diabetes Association (ADA)-recognized, American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)-accredited, state-accredited/certified, and/or Stanford licensed diabetes self-management programs (DSMP)

  • Facilitate ADA/AADE accreditation/recognition healthcare systems through identification, recruitment, assessment and technical assistance efforts.
  • Conduct the Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE) examination preparatory course for eligible professionals.
  • Recruit and train worksites and state agencies to deliver Stanford’s DSMP for persons with diabetes and high blood pressure.

Education and Support Programs

Increase use of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support programs in communities

  • Implement an American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) accredited or American Diabetes Association (ADA) recognized Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) program among safety net providers and public health clinics in high diabetes prevalence areas (to include recognition for the MSDH and public health clinic staff training to deliver the program).
  • Link health care systems to accredited/recognized diabetes self-management education programs, through an online DSMES directory and marketing of the program.
  • Establish a DSMES electronic database to track delivery systems, trainers, participants, workshops, and workshop evaluations.
  • Provide ongoing technical assistance to newly established and existing recognized/accredited DSMES programs.

Lifestyle Intervention Programs

Increase the use of lifestyle intervention programs in community settings for the prevention of type 2 diabetes

  • Collaborate with community-based organizations to implement the National Diabetes Prevention Program in Mississippi, including identifying and recruiting potential intervention sites for adoption of CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
  • Partner with sites and health care provider systems to recruit and link individuals to participate in the lifestyle intervention program.

Healthcare Extenders

Increase the use of healthcare extenders in the community to support self-management of high blood pressure and diabetes

  • Identify and engage systems that employ volunteer Community Health Workers and Congregational Health Nurses to implement self-management programs, including diabetes and hypertension.
  • Provide training and technical assistance to Community Health Workers and Congregational Health Nurses on diabetes and hypertension self-management.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs

Increase the use of Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs (CDSMP) and Diabetes Self-Management Programs (DSMP) in communities

  • Conduct CDSMP/DSMP Master Trainer workshops resulting in new delivery systems.
  • Identify, train and provide technical assistance to delivery systems (faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, healthcare systems, and congregational health nurses network) to implement the Stanford Chronic Disease Self Management Program.
  • Recruit and train community-based and faith-based organizations to deliver Stanford’s DSMP for persons with diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Recruit and train clinical practice sites and health care systems to deliver Stanford’s DSMP for persons with diabetes and high blood pressure.


Implement policies, processes, and protocols in schools to meet the management and care needs of students with diabetes and other chronic conditions

  • Collaborate with the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) and the MSDH Asthma Control Program to conduct professional development training events related to asthma control and diabetes for school personnel.
  • Partner with the MSDH Asthma Control Program to disseminate protocol/compliance materials to schools.
  • Collaborate with the MSDH Asthma Control Program to evaluate compliance of schools and school districts.
  • Collaborate with the MDE, MSDH Asthma Control Program, and other partners to conduct professional development trainings and provide technical assistance on assessment, counseling and referrals to community-based medical care providers for students on activity, diet, and weight-related chronic conditions.
  • Evaluate and monitor professional development and technical assistance based upon process and outcomes data.

Program Activities

  • Community-based Health Promotion Programs

    Competitive mini-grants are awarded to community-based and faith-based organizations to collaborate with the MSDH Diabetes Prevention and Control Program in the work of preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes and improving the quality of life for those who already have type 2 diabetes. Award amounts vary.

  • Diabetes Burden Document

    Provides periodic updates which document the burden of diabetes on the state and informs the decision making process for implementing diabetes interventions and services. It includes detailed surveillance information on diabetes prevalence, diabetes mortality, diabetes risk factors, diabetes complications and diabetes costs. Data is presented by age, race, gender, and income.

  • Health Care Provider Education

    The MSDH Diabetes Prevention and Control Program works with partners to keep diabetes health care providers up-to-date on clinical practice recommendations for preventing and managing diabetes. Educational events are usually scheduled for one to two days and are held in different parts of the state. Continuing education units are offered for the health care professionals who attend.

  • Regional Diabetes Coalitions

    The MSDH Diabetes Prevention and Control Program partners with community organizations to develop county or regional diabetes coalitions. The coalitions serve as the infrastructure for diabetes assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities at the local level.

  • Office of Preventive Health Chronic Disease Summit

    The biannual conference "Empowering Communities for a Healthy Mississippi" is sponsored by the MSDH Office of Preventive Health. The conference seeks to provide information on health care issues that will foster healthier communities.

Last reviewed on Oct 5, 2023 request edits
Mississippi State Department of Health 570 East Woodrow Wilson Dr Jackson, MS 39216 866‑HLTHY4U Contact and information

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Accredited by the national Public Health Accreditation Board