What is EMSC?
EMSC is a federal-funded initiative designed to reduce child and youth disability and death due to severe illness and injury.
What is the goal of EMSC?
The goal of EMSC is to improve emergency medical care for ill and injured children, and to work with partner agencies and organizations to reduce the number of adolescents involved in emergencies or disasters.
How do I find out more about EMSC's programs?
Contact Joshua Dawson at 601-576-7380, or by e-mail at Joshua.Dawson@msdh.ms.gov
I’ve heard talk about a PECC program. What is a PECC?
A PECC is a Pediatric Emergency Care Champion housed within individual EMS agencies and in hospital emergency departments.
What are the responsibilities of the PECC?
- To oversee pediatric education and remedial/competency training for their organization.
- To review and catalog pediatric equipment and supplies used by their organization.
- To communicate with EMSC and EIIC for survey information for future improvements to pediatric treatment methods.
How can I become a PECC?
Anyone can volunteer by submitting their name, entity, contact information, and request for PECC training to Andrew.Nguyen@msdh.ms.gov or to Joshua.Dawson@msdh.ms.gov.
How do I find out more about EMSC’s program?
Contact EMS at 601-576-7380 or by email at Joshua.Dawson@msdh.ms.gov or to Andrew.Nguyen@msdh.ms.gov.