Complaints Handled by MSDH
- Child care facilities
- Drinking water: Report problems to 601-576-7518.
- Nursing homes and other health care facilities or call 1-800-227-7308 to leave a message on the Complaint Hotline at any time.
- Office Against Interpersonal ViolenceMake a complaint about discrimination by the OAIV or its subgrantees
- On-site wastewater
- Restaurants and food facilities: Send e-mail to
- WIC: Tell us about your WIC experience
- WIC: File a discrimination complaint with the USDA
- WIC: Formulario de Denuncia por Discriminación del Programa del USDA
Other Complaints or Suggestions
You can write to us with a suggestion or complaint about any of our services by sending e-mail to
Please include as many details as possible, including the location, date and time of a problem, when you write to us.
Complaints Handled by Other Agencies
Food stamps and economic assistance
- Contact: Mississippi Department of Human Services
- E-mail:
Neglect or mistreatment
A vulnerable adult, such as an elderly family member, is being neglected or mistreated: not receiving medical treatment, suffering poor hygiene or living conditions, in a facility not licensed by MSDH.
- Contact: Mississippi Department of Human Services — Adult Protective Services, 844-437-6282
Financial fraud
A vulnerable person’s money is being taken, or their finances are being misused.
- Contact: Mississippi Attorney General, 800-852-8341
Medicaid or Medicare fraud
- Contact: Mississippi Division of Medicaid, 800-880-5920 or 601-576-4162
Complaints about drug/alcohol treatment or mental health centers
- Contact: Mississippi Department of Mental Health, 601-359-6298 or 1-877-210-8513
Complaints against doctors or medical clinics
- Contact: Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure, 601-987-3079
Complaints against nurses
- Contact: Mississippi Board of Nursing, 601-957-6300