Safe Sleep Environments: Information for Caregivers

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Caregivers — including parents and licensed facilities — play a major role in ensuring safe sleep for infants and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).

About 1 in 5 sudden infant deaths occur when an infant is in the care of someone other than the parents.

When an infant is accustomed to safe sleep practices at home and encounters a different sleep position or crib environment away from home, the risk of sudden death increases. The materials on this page are designed to educate child care providers and adult caregivers on safe sleep practices for all infants in their care.

Safe Sleep Basics

Follow the current recommendations for safe sleep. Always put infants to sleep:

  • Alone
    Infants should not sleep or nap in a bed, sofa or chair with adults, other children or pets.
  • On their backs
    Unexpected infant deaths occur more often when infants sleep on their side or face-down on their stomach.
  • In a crib
    Infants are safest in an uncrowded crib that meets current safety standards, without soft items that can trap an infant or obstruct its breathing.
  • In a smoke-free environment
    Living and sleeping in the same areas as smokers — even when smoking is done in a different room or at a different time — raises an infant's risk of dying.

More About Safe Sleep

Last reviewed on Mar 13, 2025 request edits
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