Air Ambulance Permitting

This page has been automatically translated from English. MSDH has not reviewed this translation and is not responsible for any inaccuracies.

BEMS shall issue a permit to the licensee when the licensee initially places the aircraft into service or when the licensee changes the level of service relative to that aircraft.

The permit shall remain valid as long as the aircraft is operated or leased by the licensee subject to the following conditions:

  • The licensee submits an aircraft permit application for the aircraft and pays the required fees.
  • Permits issued by BEMS for an aircraft pursuant to this rule shall be carried inboard the aircraft and readily available for inspection.
  • If ownership of any permitted aircraft is transferred to any other person or entity, the permit is void and the licensee shall remove the permit from the aircraft at the time the aircraft is transferred and return the permit to the licensing authority within 10 days of the transfer.
  • If a substitute aircraft is in service for longer than 90 days, this aircraft shall be required to be permitted. An un-permitted aircraft cannot be placed into service, nor can an aircraft be used unless it is replacing aircraft that has been temporarily taken out of service. When such a substitution is made, the following information shall be maintained by the licensee and shall be accessible to BEMS:
    • Registration number of permitted aircraft taken out of service.
    • Registration number of substitute aircraft.
    • The date on which the substitute aircraft was placed into service and the date on which it was removed from service and the date on which the permitted aircraft was returned to service.
  • Aircraft permits are not transferable.
  • Duplicate aircraft permits can be obtained by submitting a written request to BEMS. The request shall include a letter signed by the licensee certifying that the original permit has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable.
  • Each licensee shall obtain a new aircraft permit from BEMS prior to returning an aircraft to service following a modification, change or any renovation that results in a change to the stretcher placement or seating in the aircraft's interior configuration.
  • The holder of a permit to operate an air ambulance service, shall file an amended list of its permitted aircraft with BEMS within 10 days after an air ambulance is removed permanently from service.
Last reviewed on Sep 16, 2024 request edits
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