Delta Heath Collaborative Clinical Initiatives

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The Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative's clinical initiatives increase access to care for the treatment of heart disease, stroke, and related risk factors in the 18-county Delta region.

Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers (CHWs) work in association with the Mississippi State Department of Health in urban and rural environments to link the gap between providers and community population in need of care. CHWs conduct outreach and education to citizens in their community who suffer from chronic diseases, early childhood diseases, and other health conditions. They make home visits, help patients navigate complex health information systems, advise, and help connect patients to the resources they need. They are an essential link between healthcare providers and patients, and ultimately help reduce health disparities in Mississippi.

Certification Program

CHWs have contributed to significant improvements in community members' access to and continuity of care, screening and other health-related behaviors, and adherence to treatment for control of various conditions and diseases as well as reduced health care costs.

Tougaloo College/Central Mississippi Area Health Education Center (CMAHEC) is currently working with the Mississippi State Department of Health and other organizations to develop a standardized program for certifying community health workers in Mississippi. This program will result in the credentialing and recognition of CHWs as a profession and vital link in the state's health services.

Medication Therapy Management

The Medication Therapy Management program works to optimize medication use for patients, improving their health outcomes in measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol, and contributing to lower overall healthcare costs. The program partners with local independent community pharmacies across the Mississippi Delta. The pharmacist ensures that each medication on the patient’s medication list is appropriate, effective, safe, and can be taken as intended.

If medication therapy problems are identified by the pharmacist, he or she works with the patient, provider and other members of the healthcare team to resolve the problems and provide follow-up and support. Patient education, lifestyle change program referrals, and recommendations for medication adjustments are a few of the tools used to resolve medication therapy problems.

Transitions of care, new diagnoses, and lengthy medication lists can all be very overwhelming for patients. Community pharmacists help lessen this burden and extend patient care services to a location that is convenient and accessible for the patient.

Last reviewed on Feb 13, 2024 request edits
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