The Office of Health Data and Research (OHDR) supports the MSDH mission through scientific integrity and quality assurance in management, surveillance, data analysis, reporting, and program evaluation related to MCH, oral health, chronic disease, injury prevention, occupational health, and tobacco control.
The OHDR builds data capacity at the state and local levels by conducting population-based surveys and disseminating information. It supports applied health research to ensure that programs are evidence-based. The OHDR is home to the Title V MCH Block Grant, Title V Needs Assessment, the State Systems Development Initiative (SSDI), the State Asthma Program, the State Occupational Health Surveillance Program, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).
The OHDR is staffed by research biostatisticians, epidemiologists, program specialists, and additional support staff. Analytic staff conduct program evaluation and produce surveillance reports, briefs, fact sheets, manuscripts and other documents as well as respond to miscellaneous internal and external data requests from programs, partners, and investigators.
For more information on the OHDR or any of its supported programs and grants, contact:
Office of Health Data and Research
Mississippi State Department of Health
570 East Woodrow Wilson Drive
Jackson, MS 39216-4538
Phone: 601‑576‑8165