Behavioral Interventions

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MSDH collaborates with Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to conduct behavioral interventions at the community, group, couple and individual level. Condom distribution is also part of MSDH's intervention activity.

Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) is a 7-session group level intervention program to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted diseases among black men who have sex with men (MSM). This intervention aims to promote positive self-image, educate participants about STD/HIV risks, and teach risk reduction and partner communication skills. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program, My Brother's Keeper South and AIDS Services Coalition.

Mpowerment is a community-level intervention for young gay and bisexual men of diverse backgrounds. It mobilizes men to reduce sexual risk taking, encourages regular HIV testing, builds positive social connections and supports peers to have safer sex. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program.

Peer Support is an individual and group-level intervention strategy. Patients who are HIV-positive, taking ART medicines and adherent to their treatment are trained to serve as “peers” for patients who are either ART-experienced or ART-naïve and need additional support. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program and AIDS Services Coalition.

Testing Together is a public health strategy where two or more persons who are in or planning to be in a sexual relationship receive HIV testing services together. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program, My Brother's Keeper South and AIDS Services Coalition.

Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education and Safer Sex (VOICES/VOCES) is a group-level, single-session video-based intervention designed to increase condom use among men who have sex with men. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program, My Brother's Keeper South and AIDS Services Coalition.

Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS) is an individual-level, multi-session, time-limited intervention to link individuals who have been recently diagnosed with HIV to medical care. It encourages the client to identify personal strengths, create goals and link to medical care and community resources. This intervention is provided by the Jackson Medical Mall's CARE4ME Services program, My Brother's Keeper South and AIDS Services Coalition.

Condom Distribution

Condoms are distributed in every Public Health District. STD/HIV Office has increased the number of condoms to be disseminated as a structural intervention with a focal concentration in areas of high HIV morbidity. Condoms are distributed through MSDH County Health Departments and statewide Community Partners. Anyone may obtain condoms by visiting their local health department.

MSDH also collaborates with AIDS Services Coalition to provide free condoms through the mail for Mississippi residents. You can request free condoms online:

Additional Resources

Last reviewed on Dec 11, 2023 request edits
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