Meg Pearson, Pharm. D.

Director, State Public Health Pharmacy
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Meg Pearson, Pharm. D.

Director, State Public Health Pharmacy
3156 Lawson St
Jackson, MS 39213


Meg Pearson holds a Master of Science Degree in Preventive Health and a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree, both from the University of Mississippi. Since 2010, Dr. Pearson has served as the Director of the MSDH Public Health Pharmacy with oversight of the Residency and Clinical Pharmacy Services, Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Program, and Pharmacy Operations. Additionally, she coordinates activities for a network of MSDH pharmacists supporting county health departments and serves as a point of contact within the Mississippi State Department of Health on matters relating to the Federal 340B program.

She serves on a number of workgroups and committees for the Mississippi State Department of Health. She has played key roles in the Department of Health’s Katrina relief efforts, the 2009 Novel H1N1 response, and statewide response for COVID-19 Therapeutics.

Last reviewed on Dec 5, 2023 request edits
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