Information for healthcare providers and clinicians on mpox.
Reporting Mpox (Monkeypox) Cases
Clinicians should notify the MSDH Office of Epidemiology immediately with positive cases of mpox at 601-576-7725 (or 601-576-7400 after hours).
Jynneos Vaccine
To enroll as a JynneosVaccine vaccine provider, please follow the steps below.
Jynneos Vaccine provider requirements:
- Submit an MSDH Vaccine Provider Agreement.
- Have access to the Mississippi Immunization Information Exchange (MIIX), and agree to enter all doses provided into the MIIX system. For new user access to MIIX, submit a MIIX User Agreement
- Agree to adhere to the recommendations for potential candidates for vaccine.
- Additionally, you will need:
- Standalone freezer units to store vaccine at the frozen temperature.
- Standalone refrigerator unit to store vaccine once thawed.
- Combination refrigerator/freezer units are NOT allowed.
Mpox Therapeutics
Tecovirimat (TPOXX) is an antiviral that can be used to treat mpox infections. Mississippi physicians/clinicians can now request oral TPOXX directly from the Mississippi State Department of Health for use in patients with severe disease or in patients who are at risk of severe disease.
- MSDH Mpox Oral TPOXX Request FormPhysicians/providers only