Breast and Cervical Cancer

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The Mississippi Breast and Cervical Cancer Program strives for early detection of cancer in those women at highest risk.

Typically, these are the uninsured, the medically underserved, minority, and elderly women. These women are more likely to have advanced disease when symptoms appear, reflecting differences in access to screening and care.


Screening Services

With federal and matching funds, MSDH/BCCP offers Pap exam screening services at selected health department clinics, Community Health Centers and private providers to uninsured women between the ages of 40 and 64. Mammography screening is available through contracted providers to uninsured women between 50 and 64 years of age. Women 40 to 49 are eligible for screening mammograms when special funding is available.

Special exceptions are available for those women between the ages of 21 and 39, but they must receive prior approval.

Preventing Breast Cancer

You can reduce your risk of breast cancer, and help ensure a healthier future for yourself. Staying active, keeping a healthy weight, and eating right all play a role. Understanding the risk factors that can lead to breast cancer helps you control your own risk, too.

Preventing Cervical Cancer

The main cause of cervical cancer is a common virus, HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV infection can be almost completely prevented by vaccination in the teen years. It's the simplest, most effective way to guard against cervical cancer.

Healthy lifestyle choices, like not smoking, can reduce your risk of cervical cancer, too. The more you know, the better protected you can be.


About Our Outreach

We're working to make screenings available to every qualifying woman in Mississippi.

View on Vimeo


For further information about breast and cervical cancer, our services, and whether you qualify, call (601) 576-7466.

Last reviewed on Aug 1, 2023 request edits
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