People living with HIV are much more likely to become sick with tuberculosis (TB). TB is one of the leading causes of death among people living with HIV.
Untreated TB infection can quickly progress to TB disease in people with HIV. Without treatment, TB disease can progress from sickness to death. Early detection and treatment is critical.
Is It TB?

If you have symptoms like the ones below, especially if they are long-lasting or occur frequently, they could be due to tuberculosis.
- a bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer
- pain in the chest
- coughing up blood or phlegm
- fever or night sweats
- weight loss
Recurring chest irritation or cough can often be mistaken for a simple cold or respiratory infection. Ask your doctor to check for TB if you have HIV and experience these symptoms.
Getting Tested and Treated
Get Tested
A TB blood test is the better test for determining whether you are infected. If you are living with HIV, tuberculosis testing is especially important to detect disease early. You can be tested by your doctor, or by visiting a county health department. Knowing your TB status is just as important as knowing your HIV status.
Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of death among people living with HIV. Know your TB status.
Get Treated
Tuberculosis is a progressive disease that begins in the lungs, spreading to invade other organs of the body, causing illness, decline and death. Progression of the disease is especially rapid when the immune system has been compromised by HIV. Early treatment with antibiotics can control TB before it becomes destructive. The more the disease progresses, the more your future health can be permanently compromised.
Early treatment is essential to recovering from tuberculosis and living a better life.
The MSDH Office of Tuberculosis and Refugee Health will work with you to obtain effective treatment for TB.