Mississippi State Department of Health

Common Questions and Answers


Certificates and Records

How much do birth certificates cost?
Birth certificates cost $17. You can order certificates on-line for a slightly higher fee. Find out more

Can birth and death certificates be ordered on-line?
Yes, through MSDH and one of several vital records services. Express shipping options are available. Find out more

What if I have an error on my birth certificate?
Contact our Vital Records office by phone or e-mail for corrections or changes. Location and information

What if I never receive the certificate I ordered?
Notify the Vital Records office. Complaints of failure to receive certified records will be honored within 6 months of the original request. If the copy was to be returned to you by U. S. Postal Service, please allow 3 weeks after mailing the request before inquiring. Inquiry about copies ordered with payment for special courier delivery should be made within 7 days of the request. Mail returned because of insufficient address or address changes will be re-mailed if this office is notified of the correct address within 6 months of request.

Where can I get marriage and divorce records?
Marriage records are available from MSDH's Vital Records office. Find out more

Divorce records are kept by the Chancery Clerk's office in the county of marriage. For a small fee, we can search for the chancery clerk's office with your records. Find out more

Does MSDH keep a record of my immunizations?
In many cases, yes. You can review your records (and print Form 121 for school entry) by creating an account with the MyIR service. More about MyIR

Our Immunization Registry can also provide records of your childhood disease immunizations. Find out more


Does MSDH license Nurse Aides?
Yes, through our Health Facilities Licensure office (1-800-227-7308). We also have practice exams and reciprocal licensing information. Find out more

Does MSDH license doctors and nurses?
No. Physicians are licensed through the state Board of Medical Licensure, and nurses are licensed through the state Board of Nursing.

How can I verify licensure of a health professional?
You can verify currently licensed professionals by checking our online database: Verify a license

For a written verification, contact our Professional Licensure division at 601-364-7360.

How do I apply for a license in a health-related profession?
We have applications and guidelines on-line for those professions that we license. See a list of these professions


How do I make a restaurant complaint or report a problem?
Send the details of the incident or problem to food@msdh.ms.gov, including the restaurant location and approximate time of your visit.

How do I get a food service permit?
Permitting begins with a plan review. Step-by-step instructions.
For more information about retail food permits, read our list of questions and answers.

Do I need a permit if I am not charging for food I serve?
No. A permit is required only if you accept money for food you prepare or serve.

Do I need a permit to cater food privately?
Caterers are subject to the same requirements as restaurants. If you accept payment for the food you prepare, you need a permit.

Does MSDH provide ServSafe training?
No. ServSafe is required for those in food service and handling, and is administered by the Mississippi Hospitality & Restaurant Association.

STIs and Birth Control

Can I be tested and treated for sexually-transmitted infections?
Yes. We provide full sexually transmitted infection testing, including HIV. If you test positive for an infection, we will treat and retest you. If you are positive for HIV, we will assist you to get the care and medications you need. Testing is private and does not require parental/guardian consent for those under 18 years of age. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call 855-767-0170 or call a health department clinic near you.

Can I get a pregnancy test from MSDH?
Yes. You can be tested for pregnancy at your local health department. Testing is private and does not require parental consent for those under 18 years of age. To schedule an appointment, call 855-767-0170 or call a health department clinic near you.

Can I get birth control from my county health department?
Yes. Birth control for men and women is provided. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call 855-767-0170 or call a health department clinic near you.

Proper Medication Disposal

Hotlines and Useful Phone Numbers

Links referenced on this page
Complaints    http://msdh.ms.gov/page/4,0,204,736.html ok
Contact Us    http://msdh.ms.gov/page/4,0,204.html ok
Our services    http://msdh.ms.gov/page/32.html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,109,html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,1922,109,html ok
Location and information    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,109,html ok
Vital Records office    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,109,html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,109,html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,109,html ok
MyIR    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/14,0,71,969,html ok
More about MyIR    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/14,0,71,969,html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,0,136,html ok
Find out more    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,0,83,74,html ok
Board of Medical Licensure    http://www.msbml.state.ms.us/
Board of Nursing    https://www.msbn.ms.gov/
Verify a license    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,0,82,html ok
applications and guidelines on-line    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,0,82,93,html ok
See a list of these professions    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,0,82,html ok
food@msdh.ms.gov    mailto:food@msdh.ms.gov
Step-by-step instructions    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,0,77,311,html ok
questions and answers    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/30,3432,77,311,html ok
Mississippi Hospitality & Restaurant Association    http://www.msra.org/
call a health department clinic near you.    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/4,0,204,html ok
call a health department clinic near you.    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/4,0,204,html ok
call a health department clinic near you.    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/4,0,204,html ok
Find a disposal location near you    https://apps.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/pubdispsearch/
How to Dispose of Unused Medications    http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/UnderstandingOver-the-CounterMedicines/ucm107163.pdf
Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know    http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/EnsuringSafeUseofMedicine/SafeDisposalofMedicines/ucm186187.htm
More hotlines and phone numbers    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/4,0,204,html ok

Find this page at http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/index.cfm

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