EMS Certification and Training

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The Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (BEMS) offers information to all levels of Emergency Medical Services Personnel to help them find the most current education available in order to promote efficiency in pre-hospital care throughout Mississippi.


According to the 2018 National EMS Scope of Practice Model, core to the practice of licensed health professionals is compliance with four domains intended to serve the legal and ethical obligation to ensure the public is protected from unqualified individuals.

An individual may only perform a skill or role for which that person is:

  • EDUCATED (has been trained to perform the skill or role), AND
  • CERTIFIED (has demonstrated competence in the skill or role), AND
  • LICENSED (has legal authority issued by the State to perform the skill or role), AND
  • CREDENTIALED (has been authorized by medical director to perform the skill or role).

Testing for emergency medical service personnel is obtainable in Mississippi for your convenience and to ensure quality care for the citizens of Mississippi. Locations, requirements and applications for training and testing are available at the BEMS office and online.

Certifications and recertifications for emergency medical services personnel (Paramedic, EMT, Medical First Responders, and EMS Drivers) are easily acquired by a visit to the BEMS office or by calling 601‑576‑7380.

Certification Level Certification Cost Re-Certification Cost
EMS Driver (4 year) and you bring Driver's Hx $40.00 $40.00
EMS Driver (4 year) and BEMS runs Driver's Hx $55.00 $55.00
EMS Driver (8 year) and you bring Driver's Hx $80.00 $80.00
EMS Driver (8 year) and BEMS runs Driver's Hx $95.00 $95.00
EMT $40.00 $40.00
Advanced EMT $40.00 $40.00
Paramedic $40.00 $40.00
Paramedic Critical Care $69.00 $69.00
Emergency Medical First Responder $10.00 $10.00
Reciprocity (if we fill out form for certification in another state) $25.00 $25.00
EMS Patch $2.00  
EMT Bar $1.00  
  • Debit/Credit cards will be accessed a $3.00 + 2.2% processing fee.

EMS Licensing Portal

Training and Reciprocity

The EMS Compact

Mississippi is a member state of the EMS Compact, an interstate agreement that permits EMS clinicians to practice across many states with their Mississippi license. EMS clinicians with a valid license in any state that is a member of the EMS Compact are immediately granted a “Privilege to Practice” in all other member states.

Mississippi NCCP Course Material

Last reviewed on Mar 14, 2025 request edits

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