Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Promoting Interoperability

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In support of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Promoting Interoperability Incentive Program, the Mississippi State Department of Health supports electronic submission of the following public health data.

Public Health Reporting Measures

Declaration of Readiness

In support of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Promoting Interoperability Incentive Program, the Mississippi State Department of Health supports electronic submission of the following public health data.

  Eligible Clinician (EC) * Eligible Hospital (EH) and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) *
Electronic Lab Reporting N/A Yes
Immunization Information Reporting 1 Yes Yes
Syndromic Surveillance Reporting Yes Yes
Clinical Data Registry 3 No No
Electronic Case Reporting
NOTE: MSDH is updating to an integrated disease surveillance system and will be unable to support electronic case reporting until the new system is awarded and implemented. Current projection for the award is expected in 2024. Please check back for any changes to this timeline.
No No
Public Health Registries (Cancer Registry Reporting) Yes No
  1. Providers who do not administer immunizations but have registered intent to interface with the Mississippi Immunization registry will need to select a specialized registry more applicable to the practice need. Providers with zero immunization volume will not be placed onto a waiting list or through the testing and production phases.
  2. Eligible clinicians can choose Syndromic Surveillance IF they meet one of the following two conditions: 1) The facility is using an Eligible Hospital's EHR and is included in the EH’s interface. 2) Utilizing a separate EHR and the hospital's HIT infrastructure, such that one interface includes both the hospital's and clinic's Syndromic Surveillance data.
  3. Eligible clinicians choosing Cancer Registry Reporting must be one of the following specialties: oncologist, pathologist, dermatologist, and radiologist.

*Please refer to the Eligibility page for information regarding MSDH Public Health Promoting Interoperability (Meaningful Use) eligibility.

Criteria for Active Engagement and Attestation Letters

Eligible Hospitals, Eligible Clinicians, and Critical Access Hospitals can meet Promoting Interoperability attestation requirements by being in one of two phases: Registration of Intent / Testing and Validation, or Production. After Registering Intent, MSDH will send an Attestation Letter to the healthcare organization. The letter can be used for each year the healthcare organization attests until the move to another phase (i.e. Registration of Intent to Production). Yearly letters are not required for a public health measure UNLESS:

  1. The healthcare organization moves to a new Phase (i.e. Registration to Production).
  2. The healthcare organization’s registration changes substantially (i.e. Business name change, EHR change, etc)

Upon request, MSDH will provide yearly evidence of the healthcare organization’s Active Engagement status to be used for yearly attestation upon request. Evidence will be in the form of an email or a new letter.

Phase 1: Registration of Intent / Testing and Validation

Registration of intent to submit data to public health is required within 60 days after the start of the EHR reporting period.

The healthcare organization or hospital must complete the Promoting Interoperability Registration of Intent if they meet all of the following:

  • Intend to attest to a public health measure for Merit-based Incentive Payment System
  • Meet criteria to send data to the Mississippi State Department of Health system (see the Eligibility page)
  • Have software certified for the measure and are ready to proceed to start on-boarding.

Getting Started

If the healthcare provider has previously registered for a measure, they do not need to re-register yearly. If the healthcare provider plans to attest to a new public health measure, they will need to register for the measure.

After registration, the healthcare provider may be placed in a hold queue. When the Mississippi State Department of Health is ready to begin testing, the provider will receive an invitation to begin. Once in this phase, data providers will be expected to progressively respond to requests from public health within 30 days. The testing and validation process ensures successful transmission and high data quality.

Phase 2 Production

The Mississippi State Department of Health will notify the healthcare organization when their data is fully validated and flowing to the Production system. To maintain production status, data providers will be expected to respond to requests from public health within 30 days.


Complete Your Registration of Intent

Step 1 of the Promoting Interoperability (Meaningful Use) onboarding process for all objectives is to register your intent to submit electronic data to public health. A single registration may be used to register an eligible hospital, an eligible professional or clinic, or multiple clinics for one or more of the public health objectives.

NOTE: MSDH will generate an organizational letter for EHs, CAHs, or EPs once the Registration of Intent is completed. This letter can be used for all future stages. For future stages, it must be accompanied with an email statement from MSDH verifying the EH, CAH, or EP is still actively engaged. If the EH, CAH, or EP changes status (e.g. from On-Boarding to Production), a new letter must be created by MSDH. Changes in ownership will also require a new letter. Changes in EHRs will require re-Registration of Intent but not a new letter.

Registering for Multiple Clinics

If registering for multiple clinics on one registration, use the same Parent Organization for each clinic / facility. Please ensure accuracy in that field as MSDH will generate a report based on Parent Organization to be attached to your letter.

Registration Submission

Once you have submitted your registration, staff from the program areas for each of the objectives you selected will review your submission. Each program area will acknowledge the receipt of the registration separately and you’ll receive separate letters to be used in your attestation for each program area.


The Mississippi State Department of Health does not grant exclusions. It is up to the healthcare provider to determine if they can claim an applicable exclusion.


For any questions or concerns regarding the Meaningful Use process, please contact the MSDH Meaningful Use Coordinator at (601) 576-7725 or at MeaningfulUse@msdh.ms.gov

Last reviewed on Mar 1, 2019 request edits

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