From the Sofa to a 5K Walk in 12 Weeks

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From the sofa to a 5K walk in 12 weeks. Distance walking is one of the easiest steps you can take for better health and fitness — and it's fun. This simple plan takes you from an easy 10-minute walk to a 5-kilometer race walk in just 12 weeks.

Week Walking plan Workout days
1 Walk 10 minutes, rest 3 minutes;
Walk 5 minutes, rest 1 minute;
Three days a week
2 Walk 10 minutes, rest 1 minute;
Walk 5 minutes, rest 1 minute;
Three days a week
3 Walk 10 minutes, rest 1 minute;
Walk 10 minutes, rest 1 minute;
Three days a week
4 Walk 20 minutes Three days a week
5 Walk 25 minutes Three days a week
6 Walk 30 minutes Three days a week
7 Walk 30 minutes on three days,
walk 40 minutes the fourth day
Four days a week
8 Walk 30 minutes on three days,
walk 40 minutes the fourth day
Four days a week
9 Walk 30 minutes on three days,
walk 50 minutes the fourth day
Four days a week
10 Walk 30 minutes on three days,
walk 55 minutes the fourth day
Four days a week
11 Walk 30 minutes on three days,
walk 1 hour the fourth day
Four days a week
12 Race week! Walk 30 minutes on two days.
Walk 5 kilometers.
Three days

Thanks to the Mississippi Track Club for this plan.

Last reviewed on Sep 6, 2023 request edits
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