The Fit Pick Vending Machine Program

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Fit Pick is a program designed by the National Automated Merchandising Association (NAMA) to help people determine the healthier choices in vending machines.

NAMA has developed endorsement material (such as stickers and vending machine clings) as well as marketing and promotional material (such as newsletters, flyers, and press releases) that can be customized to your agency's needs.

The Mississippi State Department of Health is supporting the Fit Pick 35-10-35 criteria. The 35-10-35 criteria means:

  • No more than 35% of the total calories in the item are from fat
  • No more than 10% of the total calories in the items are from saturated fat
  • No more than 35% of the total product weight is from sugar

Advantages of the Fit Pick Program

  • The stickers that NAMA designed can be placed by each Fit Pick item in the vending machine to help identify it as a healthier choice. Vending machine clings can help to explain the Fit Pick program.

  • Many communities and states use the Fit Pick program and have found that it easily coordinates with their wellness initiatives.

  • Because Fit Pick is used nationally, people will be able to recognize the program when they visit state agency buildings in Mississippi as well as in other states.

  • The colorful Fit Pick promotional material can make the break room (or other area where the vending machine is located) more visually appealing and a more comfortable.

for More Information

Last reviewed on Sep 6, 2023 request edits
Mississippi State Department of Health 570 East Woodrow Wilson Dr Jackson, MS 39216 866‑HLTHY4U Contact and information

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