Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death in Mississippi, accounting for over a third of all deaths in the state. Mississippi's CVD mortality rate is among the highest in the nation.
Improve your heart health
- Steps to a Healthier HeartSimple steps to prevent heart disease
- Heart Attack Signs and SymptomsHow to recognize a heart attack
- Stroke Awareness and PreventionSpot the signs of stroke
- High Blood PressureGet the facts about high blood pressure and how you can control it.
- Salt IntakeFacts about salt, sodium, and their effect on blood pressure (CDC)
Heart Disease in Mississippi
- Full heart disease and stroke maps 2018-2020
- Cardiovascular disease risk factors and health insurance, 2018Comparative maps of obesity, physical inactivity, hypertension and lack of insurance
About the Program
We strive to prevent, manage and reduce the risk factors associated with heart disease and stroke. This means improving effective delivery of care, establishing community-clinical linkages to support prevention and management of high blood pressure and diabetes, and collecting and analyzing data that guides our work.
- Promote reporting of blood pressure and A1C measures; and as able, initiate activities that promote clinical innovations, team-based care, and self-monitoring of blood pressure.
- Promote awareness of high blood pressure among patients.
- Increase implementation of quality improvement processes in health systems and use of team-based care in health systems.
- Increase use of health-care extenders in support of self-management of high blood pressure.
- Build capacity to promote and implement policy and systems-level change strategies.
- Promote hypertension detection and control through innovations in health information technology, patient communication, and team-based care.
- Implement health system interventions to improve effective delivery of care.
- Define and report the burden of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors.
- Promote community-clinical linkages to support prevention and management of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Documents and Resources
- Fact Sheets and InformationCardiovascular health status of Mississippi
- ReportsState prevention plans
- PublicationsOrder printed materials on heart health
- More resources and linksStatistics, posters and educational materials