The mission of the Adolescent Health Services program is to protect and promote the health and well-being of pre-adolescents, adolescents and young adults in the state of Mississippi.
- Implement strategies and policies that enhance the overall health of pre-adolescents, adolescents and young adults, ages 10- 21.
- Promote services that support the Adolescent Health Objectives of Healthy People 2020
- Create services and policies that are formed from a holistic youth development approach.
- Address health disparity issues among pre-adolescents, adolescents and young adults.
- Develop partnerships with local, state and national community partners across a broad range of adolescent health issues.
The Adolescent Health Services Program serves as a resource to Mississippi communities in assessing and addressing strengths and risks related to adolescent status through:
- Consultation and training
- Assessing teen health status
- Involving youth in decisions and planning programs to address their needs
- Stimulating, planning, supporting and evaluating adolescent health programs
The Adolescent Health Services Program seeks to promote positive youth development and prevent or reduce negative health outcomes, focusing on:
- Promoting good mental health
- Reducing aggression and violence
- Preventing alcohol, tobacco and other substance use
- Avoiding early initiation of sexual behavior, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS
- Preventing unintentional injuries and mortality
- Promoting healthy nutritious lifestyles and physical fitness activities
- Improving oral health
- Increasing health insurance coverage and adequate access to quality health care services
Key audiences that can impact adolescent health
- Local governments
- Non-profit organizations
- Health care providers
- Educators and school health staff
- Parents and adolescents themselves
- Policymakers, including legislators
- Business leaders
- Faith-based communities
- Community youth advocates
Primary activities
The Adolescent Health Program partners with many agencies and organizations to address health disparity issues among children, adolescents and young adults. Activities include:
- Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse: advises on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services for children, adolescents and young adults, in collaboration with Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Children's Services Task Force: assists community partners in providing social services to teens and their families with the Mississippi Department of Mental Health
- Advisory Council on Youth Suicide Prevention: advises on health-related issues that affect the mental health and safety of children, adolescents and young adult, in performance with the Mississippi Department of Mental Health
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey: assists with assessing teen health behaviors and risks through a school-based, bi-annual survey through the Mississippi Department of Education
- State Level Case Review: advises on cases concerning children and youth (up to 21 years of age) demonstrating emotional and behavioral problems or serious mental illness for whom adequate treatment or placement cannot be found at the county or local level; and examines policies and procedures of state and local agencies serving children and youth with serious emotional disturbances or serious mental illness, in collaboration with both the Mississippi Department of Mental Health and the Mississippi Department of Human Services.
In addition, Mississippi State Department of Health District and County staff serve on local-level MAP (Making A Plan) Teams. MAP Teams are multidisciplinary local teams that review cases concerning children and youth who have serious emotional disturbances and who are at immediate risk for an inappropriate 24-hour institutional placement. The members of these teams meet on a monthly basis to identify community-based services and resources that may divert children from inappropriate inpatient care. For a listing of MAP Teams or mental health services, see the Mississippi Department of Mental Health's Children and Youth Services .
- Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD): assists community partners in providing middle and high school students with intervention and prevention tools to deal with issues of underage drinking, drunk driving, drug abuse and other destructive decisions, in collaboration with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety
Additional Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Articles, publications, reports and other resources
- National Adolescent Health Information CenterResearch and policy center for childhood and adolescence
- UCSF Public Policy Analysis and Education Centerfor middle childhood, adolescent and young adult health
- American Academy of PediatricsHealth advancement and advocacy for children and young adults
- The Konopka InstituteBest practices in adolescent health from the University of Minnesota
- Health Resources and Services AdministrationDivision of Adolescent Health
- Society for Adolescent HealthHealth professionals committed to advancing the health and well-being of adolescents
- More ResourcesNational, state and community resources
For more information on Adolescent Health Program services, please contact your nearest county health department or call 1-866-HLTHY4U (1-866-453-4948) or (601) 576-7464.