Environmental Laboratory Certification Program

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Milk Certification

The MSDH Public Health Laboratory has been designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as the certifying agency for approval of microbiological laboratories processing milk and dairy samples for compliance purposes.

The laboratory certification program ensures that approved laboratories use methods and techniques that are in substantial agreement with the current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products and method relevant FDA 2400 Series regulations.

General Requirements for Milk Laboratory Certification

The MSDH Office of Health Protection Milk and Bottled Water Program is the state regulatory agency which must approve laboratories prior to certification. Approved in-state laboratories wishing to participate in the state certification program should contact the Lead Milk Laboratory Evaluation Officer. Upon request, the materials relative to the program will be forwarded to the requestor.

MSDH Milk Laboratory Evaluation Officers

  • Sally Bishop
    Milk Laboratory Evaluation Officer
    (601) 576-7582
    (601) 576-7720 (fax)

USEPA Water Supply Laboratory Certification Program

The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), maintains a program designed to ensure that state public laboratories monitoring public drinking water supplies for regulated chemical and microbiological contaminants meet strict quality requirements.

This program also gives each state's Water Supply regulatory body the authority to inspect and certify private and non-regulatory government laboratories within the state for the analysis of regulated chemical and microbiological contaminants. This certification allows these laboratories to generate data that can be submitted to relevant local, state, and federal authorities on behalf of public water suppliers to document regulatory compliance.

The Mississippi Department of Health is the enforcement authority for the SDWA in our state. Within the agency, the Mississippi Public Health Laboratory Environmental Services Division operates and maintains the Water Supply Laboratory Chemistry and Microbiology Certification Program.

The MSDH Water Supply Laboratory Certification Program inspects and certifies laboratories located within the state of Mississippi and maintains a reciprocity program in which recognized certified laboratories located outside the state may conduct Water Supply analyses for Mississippi public water systems.

General Requirements for Drinking Water Laboratory Certification

In-state laboratories wishing to participate in the state certification program and out-of-state laboratories wishing to participate in the reciprocal certification program should contact a Laboratory Certification Officer. Upon request, the materials relative to participation in the program will be forwarded to the requestor.

Drinking Water Laboratory Reciprocal Certification Requirements

Mississippi does not directly certify laboratories located outside the state for EPA-regulated drinking water parameters. However, the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) does honor certification by reciprocity under the Safe Drinking Water Act if the following criteria are met:

  1. The laboratory must be certified by the laboratory's home state agency authorized by USEPA as a Water Supply Laboratory Certifying Authority for drinking water analysis. Alternately, MSDH may also recognize certification through a NELAP Accrediting Authority, provided the certification is specifically for drinking water analysis and meets the minimum requirements for drinking water certification mandated by USEPA.
  2. Reciprocity is based upon the requirements of the applicant's Certifying Authority (CA).
  3. The laboratory must have their CA forward a copy of a certification document showing the laboratory's current certification status. Each analyte, the method used, its certification status, and its date of expiration must be included in the certification document.
  4. The laboratory must have the CA forward a copy of the most recent on-site evaluation and response.
  5. The laboratory must have the Proficiency Testing (PT) provider forward copies of current PT study results.
  6. The laboratory must ensure that the CA forward copies of any correspondence showing a change in the laboratory's certification status from the CA to MSDH within 30 days of issue. Failure to notify MSDH of certification downgrades within the 30-day period may result in termination of reciprocal certification.
  7. Should drinking water samples being monitored for compliance purposes on a public water supply within Mississippi exceed the Maximum Contaminant Level for any regulated chemical, the laboratory must immediately telephone the MSDH Bureau of Public Water Supply and report their findings. A written report must also be submitted within two weeks of analysis. Any Mississippi compliance sample that is positive for either total coliform or E. coli must be reported by telephone or fax within two hours of detection to the MSDH Bureau of Public Water Supply.

Bureau of Public Water Supply: (601) 576-7518, (601) 576-7800 (fax)
Public Health Laboratory: (601) 576-7582, (601) 576-7720 (fax)

MSDH Water Supply Laboratory Certification Officers

MS Certifying Authority

  • Ms. Janet Hartin
    Certifying Authority
    (601) 576-7582
    (601) 576-7720 (fax)


  • Ms. Janet Hartin
    (601) 576-7582
    (601) 576-7200 (fax)
  • Mr. Brian Castleberry
    (601) 576-7582
    (601) 576-7720 (fax)


  • Ms. Sally Bishop
    (601) 576-7582
    (601) 576-7720 (fax)

US EPA Region 4 Officers

  • Jeffrey Wilmoth
    Chief, Quality Assurance Section
    U.S. EPA, Region IV, SESD
    980 College Station Rd
    Athens, GA 30605-2700
    (706) 355-8772

Contact Information

For further information, or answers to questions, contact a Laboratory Certification Officer at (601) 576-7582.

Last reviewed on Feb 14, 2025 request edits
Mississippi State Department of Health 570 East Woodrow Wilson Dr Jackson, MS 39216 866‑HLTHY4U Contact and information

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