If you have pre-diabetes, simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Enrolling in National Diabetes Prevention classes can help you meet your health goals and avoid diabetes.
Who it's for: The National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an evidence-based lifestyle modification program for adults 18 and older who have prediabetes (high blood sugar).
Classes: The program consists of weekly one-hour class sessions over 16 weeks, led by a CDC-certified lifestyle coach. Following the 16 weeks of classes there are monthly maintenance sessions far a total program time of one year.
Classes cover physical activity, coping mechanisms, healthy eating and stress management.
You are eligible if:
- You are at least 18 years old
- and are overweight (your Body Mass Index (BMI) is at least 24, or 22 if your ethnicity is Asian)
- and you have not been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- and you are at risk for type 2 diabetes (see below).
You are at risk if:
- you have a history of gestational diabetes during pregnancy
- or a recent blood test showing glucose in the pre-diabetes range:
- a fasting glucose level of 100–125
- or an A1C test result of 5.7–6.4%,
- or an oral glucose tolerance test result of 140-199. - or your pre-diabetes risk test had a score of 5 or higher (high risk). You can take this risk test online right now — it takes only a minute, and asks just a few basic health questions.
Check your risk now
If your result is "high risk" (5 or higher), return to this page and continue with your application form.
Note: You'll be asked to enter blood test result(s) in the registration form below if you know them.
Please fill in all items.