Are you a health care professional? Do you need to be certified? The Mississippi State Department of Health offers tuberculosis continuing education in locations statewide.
Curriculum and Requirements
- Heath care professionals are required to be recertified every five years. Certification is limited to the health care professional's scope of practice.
- Tuberculin surveillance and skin test curriculum includes certification and 6.5 contact hours of nursing continuing education.
- The course is designed for health care professionals, both public and private, who administer and read tuberculin skin test results.
- Curriculum meets the MSDH licensing requirements for institutions for the aged and infirm and requirements for Medicaid reimbursement.
- All planners and presenter have declared no conflict of interest.
Course Completion
Criteria for successful completion include:
- Attendance for the entire event
- Submission of a completed evaluation of at least 80% on a 50-question post-test
- Successful demonstration of administering and reading a TB skin test
- Scoring below 65 is an automatic failure and requires repeating the course.
- One knowledge assessment re-challenge test will be offered the same day for individuals scoring between 65 and 80. A minimum score of 80 is also required for the re-challenge. Any score below 80 is a failure and requires repeating the course.
The Mississippi State Department of Health is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Mississippi Nurses Foundation, Inc., an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Preparatory Review
A review of the following Glossary and Mantoux chart is strongly recommended prior to attending class.
Scheduled TB Training
Pre-registration at least 14 days in advance is required to attend a session. Registration is complete on receipt of payment.
- View calendar of scheduled classes
- Register and pay online for in-person workshopsYou will receive online class details by e-mail after registration.
- Register by mailFill out and return this form
For questions about TB test certification training, please send e-mail to TB.Certification@msdh.ms.gov
Sessions are scheduled throughout the state from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. several times each month. Sign-in begins at 8:00 am and instruction begins promptly at 8:30 am. Late arrivals are not admitted after instruction begins.
Certificate Replacement
If you have earned a training certificate and need a duplicate or replacement copy of your certificate, you can request a replacement online, or by mail.
- Request a duplicate online
- Request a duplicate by mailFill out and return this form
For more information about these or any other classes, please call the MSDH TB Line at 601‑576‑7700. For questions about TB test certification training, please send e-mail to TB.Certification@msdh.ms.gov