Vehicle Permits

This page has been automatically translated from English. MSDH has not reviewed this translation and is not responsible for any inaccuracies.

Before a vehicle can be operated as an ambulance, its licensed owner must apply for and receive an ambulance permit issued by the board for such vehicle. Application shall be made upon forms and according to procedures established by the board.

Each application for an ambulance permit shall be accompanied by a permit fee to be fixed by the board, which shall be paid to the board. Prior to issuing an original or renewal permit for an ambulance, the vehicle for which the permit is issued shall be inspected and a determination made that the vehicle meets all requirements as to vehicle design, sanitation, construction, medical equipment and supplies set forth in this chapter and regulations promulgated by the board. Permits issued for ambulances shall be valid for a period not to exceed one (1) year.

The board is hereby authorized to suspend or revoke an ambulance permit any time it determines that the vehicle and/or its equipment no longer meets the requirements specified by this chapter and regulations promulgated by the board. The board may issue temporary permits valid for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days for ambulances not meeting required standards when it determines the public interest will thereby be served.

When a permit has been issued for an ambulance as specified herein, the ambulance records relating to maintenance and operation of such ambulance shall be open to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the board during normal working hours.

An ambulance permit issued under this chapter may be renewed on payment of a renewal fee to be fixed by the board, which shall be paid to the board. Renewal of any ambulance permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall require conformance with all requirements of this chapter.

SOURCES: Laws, 1974, ch. 507, § 6; 1979, ch. 445, § 3; 1982, ch. 345, § 3, eff from and after passage (approved March 16, 1982).

Last reviewed on Sep 16, 2024 request edits

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