Mississippi State Department of Health

Q&A: EMS Training

Question: Where are EMS- Driver classes located in Mississippi?
Answer: BEMS approves EMS-Driver Classes across Mississippi. A list is provided at BEMS office, you may visit or phone the BEMS office and request information on available EMS-Driver classes. You may also view all training opportunities on the EMS Events and Education Calendar.
Question: Is Anatomy and Physiology I and II required prior to entry into Paramedic training Program?
Answer: Yes, completion of 8 semester hours of anatomy and physiology (A & P I & II with lab) from accredited post-secondary school. Minimum average of C or higher must be obtained.
Question: Do you have to be certified in CPR prior to entering EMT training program?
Answer: Yes, a valid CPR certification (Health Care Provider) is required prior to entering a EMT training program.
Question: Is a Medical Control Agreement (Jurisdictional Medical Control Agreement) required for certification for a EMT?
Answer: Yes, after December 31, 1997 verification of Medical Control (Jurisdictional Medical Control Agreement) will be required for EMT certification.
Question: What is the cost for Mississippi certification and recertification?

The cost for:

Medical First Responder $10.00
EMS-Driver $40.00
EMT $40.00
Paramedic $40.00

You must pay by cash or money order (payable to “MS State Department of Health –BEMS”) if you visit the BEMS office.

Question: Is a copy of the National Registry card required for certification and recertification for EMTs?
Answer: You are required to submit a copy of your National Registry card when certifying as an EMT or Paramedic in Mississippi.
Question: Is a certification and recertification application obtainable without visiting BEMS office?
Answer: Certification and recertification applications are available online or by phone requesting an application by mail.
Question: What are the office hours for BEMS?
Answer: The BEMS office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Question: In Mississippi what is the required age for EMS-Driver certification?
Answer: BEMS requires that applicants for EMS-D certification are at least 18 years old.
Question: Is there a grace period on expiration dates for EMT certification?
Answer: No, all EMTs failing to recertify with BEMS on or before the expiration date of his /her certification period will be considered officially expired.

Links referenced on this page
EMS Events and Education Calendar.    https://msdh.ms.gov/WebCalendar/mainCal.cfm?thisdate=%7Bd%20%272017-06-09%27%7D&CFID=79707076&CFTOKEN=87711170
available online    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/47,0,307,html ok

Find this page at https://msdh.ms.gov/page/47,6185,307,371.html

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