Mississippi State Department of Health

Health Department Warns of Risks Before the Storm
March 31, 2023


Jackson - Tornado readiness should begin before the event occurs. The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) advises residents to prepare before the storm, so lives can be saved and illness prevented.

Prepare for a Weather Emergency

Food safety: Preventing Food-Borne Diseases

First Aid

First aid, even for minor cuts and burns, is extremely important if exposure to waters potentially contaminated with human, animal, or toxic wastes occurs. Immediately clean out all open wounds and cuts with soap and clean water. Most cuts, except minor scratches, sustained during flood cleanup activities will warrant treatment to prevent tetanus. If you are injured, contact a physician or clinic to determine the necessary type of treatment. A tetanus shot should be administered every 10 years, but if a patient can’t recall the date of the last shot, another tetanus shot can and should be administered.

Sanitation and Hygiene: Preventing Waterborne Illness

Contamination levels, if any, vary among water systems. If your area is officially notified that emergency water purification is necessary, the MSDH advises the following:

Power Outages: Preventing Fire Hazards

Follow MSDH by e-mail and social media at msdh.ms.gov/connect.

Press Contact: MSDH Office of Communications, (601) 576-7667
Note to media: After hours or during emergencies, call (601) 576-7400

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