Mississippi State Department of Health

OAIV Grants and Matching Funds Calculator


Available Grants

Grant Calculator

This calculator simplifies the determination of your matching funds for a project.

Your total project cost is calculated as the sum of requested grant funds and matching funds. Matching funds are always the given percentage of the total project cost, not a percentage of the grant funds requested.

Specify a grant amount and type below in dollars (cents not required) to calculate total project cost.

Select oneProgramMatchMatch type
FVPSA20%Cash or In-Kind
VOCA20%Cash or In-Kind
VAWA/STOP25%Cash or In-Kind

Requested amount:
Match amount:
Total project cost:

Links referenced on this page
Currently grant availabilities    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/19,0,434,html ok

Find this page at https://msdh.ms.gov/page/44,21526,388,260.html

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