MSDH's Electronic Death Registration System provides online reporting of fact-of-death and cause-of-death information by appropriate authorities.
All coroners, funeral homes, and hospitals should register with EDRS and file deaths electronically.
EDRS Equipment Requirements
The EDRS is a web-based system and requires the ability to connect with the Internet. EDRS accessible devices can be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or Chromebook. EDRS will also work on a smart phone but this device is not supported at this time.
How to contact the EDRS Help Desk
For assistance during the regular work day 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, email or call 601-206-8275.
EDRS User Guide and Tutorials
- EDRS User Guide PDF
- VIEWS II Integration with EDRS PDF
- EDRS SME Video TutorialHow to complete a record using the EDRS State Medical Examiner Component (1:59).
- EDRS Tutorial: Certified Physicians4:00
- EDRS Tutorial: Coroners and Certified Medical Examiners9:51
- EDRS Tutorial: Facility System Administrators7:02
- EDRS Tutorial: Funeral Clerks and Directors8:16
- EDRS Tutorial: Hospital and Hospice Clerks4:07