Mississippi State Department of Health

Tuberculosis and Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) disease that affects how the body turns food into energy. People living with diabetes who are also infected with tuberculosis have a much greater risk of developing TB disease.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious health threat, especially for people living with diabetes. Two TB-related conditions exist: inactive TB infection and TB disease. People with inactive TB infection are not sick because the body is able to fight TB bacteria to stop them from growing. People with TB disease are sick with active TB because the body cannot stop the bacteria from growing. People living with diabetes who are also infected with TB are more likely to develop TB disease and become sick with TB.

Someone with both untreated inactive TB infection and diabetes is more likely to develop TB disease than someone without diabetes. Without proper treatment, diabetes and TB can increase health complications.


Untreated inactive TB infection can progress to active TB disease. TB disease, without treatment, can progress from sickness to death.

Fortunately, treatment options are available for people with diabetes who also have either inactive TB infection or TB disease. If a person is diagnosed with TB infection, further testing is required to rule out TB disease. People with either inactive TB infection or TB disease can be effectively treated.

Medication Interactions

Before beginning treatment for TB disease or for inactive TB, TB patients should talk to their doctor about any other medication they are taking, including medicine for diabetes. Some medications used to treat TB might interact with medicine used treat diabetes.

Find out more

Links referenced on this page
Diabetes    https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/
inactive TB infection    https://www.cdc.gov/tb/about/inactive-tuberculosis.html
TB disease.    https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/basics/tbinfectiondisease.htm
inactive TB infection    https://www.cdc.gov/tb/about/inactive-tuberculosis.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https:
active TB disease.    https://www.cdc.gov/tb/about/active-tuberculosis-disease.html
More about TB and diabetes from the CDC    https://www.cdc.gov/tb/risk-factors/diabetes.html

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