CPR/AED Training for Medical Personnel. Wednesday, February 19. |
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM CPR/AED Training for Medical Personnel for the Rankin County Health Department: Medical Personnel: February 19, 2020 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM The class will be conducted at the following location: MS State Department of Health Warehouse and Conference Room at the Jackson International Airport 131 Freightways Drive Pearl, MS 39208 Phone: 601-939-2660 Blake Barnette (Training Coordinator for Pafford) will be serving as our trainer, and we all appreciate his being so willing to provide this for us all. I have emailed training participants in both classes an invitation to sign-up for the training via the online EventBrite service, which includes a flyer for their respective class, and a map and directions to the conference room. Since I do not know if MSDH will pay for each participant's certification card, may I suggest that each participant bring $10? Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Wes Holsapple Mississippi State Department of Health Office of Emergency Planning and Response Training Coordinator wes.holsapple@msdh.ms.gov http://linkedin.com/in/wesholsapple O: 601-933-2453 |