Yazoo- Nutrition & Menu Writing (Sandra Smith). Friday, January 19. |
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM The Mississippi State Department of Health, Child Care Licensure, Nutrition standards have been recognized as being in the top three in the United States. This training covers required nutritional standards according to Appendix C of the Child care regulations. Specific topic information will include Nutritional Basics, Nutrition Standards, Meal Times, Meal Environments, Feeding Schedules, Special Diets and Food Preparation. Hands on menu reviews as well as menu development will be conducted. Centers are encouraged to bring menus for review and discussion. THIS TRAINING IS FREE Please submit a completed Registration Form to Carol Bishop via: Office: 601-364-2827 Fax: 601-364-5058 E-mail: Sandra.smith@msdh.ms.gov Postal Mail: MSDH Attn: Child Care, P.O. Box 1700, Jackson, MS 39215-1700 |