One Big Doable Thing! Family Engaged Well-Visit Planner Approach.. Tuesday, September 10. |
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Join on September 10, 2024 1:30-3 pm for a Webinar: One Big Doable Thing! Elevating Comprehensive Developmental Promotion and Preventive Services With the Family-Engaged Well-Visit Planner Approach. This webinar will review the evidence-based Cycle of Engagement Well Visit Planner (COE/WVP) model and tools, which provide a feasible and efficient pathway for clinicians, family navigators, early childhood professionals and systems leaders to engage families to ensure the provision of comprehensive preventive and developmental services including developmental and maternal depression screening in support of child and family flourishing. Participants will gain practical insights on optimizing time to build relationships with families and promote child flourishing and early relational health and leverage data to spark state and local action. See Webpage: Zero to Three / Learn at Registrer online for more information on this webinar. |