Mississippi State Department of Health

Health Department Urges Residents to Take Precautions After the Storm
March 28, 2023


with the State Emergency Operations Center's
Joint Information Center

The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) continues to monitor the health impacts of recent severe weather. Significant power outages, home repairs, and flooding can create dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations.

Personal Protection

When cleaning up storm-damaged areas, be sure to wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes to prevent cuts and scratches from debris. Do not let children play in floodwater, and discard any items that come into contact with floodwater.

Any food (including food in plastic or glass), medicines, cosmetics or bottled water that has come in contact with floodwater should be discarded. If in doubt, throw it out. Intact cans may be thoroughly disinfected with one-quarter cup of bleach to one gallon of water, and then used.

Carbon Monoxide

MSDH recommends the following precautions to help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Around Your Home

Flooding can cause mold to grow inside your home, which can cause allergic reactions, asthma episodes, infections, and other respiratory problems. MSDH does not handle mold removal or abatement. You will need to call a private contractor for further assistance.

Boil Water Alerts

Many public water systems in Mississippi are under boil water notices. If your system is under a boil water alert:

Bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute to kill most organisms.

Disinfecting Private Water Wells

Homeowners impacted by flooding who do not receive their water supply from a public water system regulated by the MSDH should have their private well inspected, disinfected and sampled in order to protect their health. For step-by-step instructions on disinfecting your private water well, visit the MSDH website at www.msdh.ms.gov/wells.

Follow MSDH by e-mail and social media at msdh.ms.gov/connect.

Press Contact: MSDH Office of Communications, (601) 576-7667
Note to media: After hours or during emergencies, call (601) 576-7400

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