Executive Summary
2002 Mississippi Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Note: All percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Health status
23% report that their general health is either fair or poor
47% report that their general health is either very good or excellent
Health care access
23% report that they have no kind of health care coverage
Cigarette smoking
27% report that they are current cigarette smokers
9% report that they have been diagnosed with diabetes
Folic acid
36% of females age 18 to 44 report knowing that taking folic acid prevents
birth defects
33% of females age 18 to 44 report that they take multivitamins
Eats fruits and vegetables at least five times per day
19% report that they eat fruits and vegetables at least five times per day
30% report that they have had a flu shot in the past twelve months
Body weight and weight control
61% report that they are overweight (BMI >=25)
26% report that they are obese (BMI >=30)
Mammography screening
77% of women age 40 and older report that they have had a screening mammogram
and a clinical breast examination during their lifetime
60% of women age 50 and older report that they have had a screening mammogram
and a clinical breast examination within the past two years
Pap smear screening
95% of all female respondents report that they have ever had a Pap smear
83% of all female respondents
report that they
have had a Pap smear within the past three years
Physical activity and exercise
36 % report that they have had no exercise in the past 30 days
Colorectal Cancer Screening
41% of respondents age 50 and older report that they have ever had a proctosigmoidoscopy
23% of respondents age 50 and older report that they have had a blood stool
test in the past two years
49% report that they are a risk for arthritis
28% report that they have been diagnosed with arthritis
11% report that they have ever had asthma
6% report that they presently have asthma
Prostate Cancer Screening
61% of males age 40 and older report that they have ever had a prostate specific
antigen (PSA) test
52% of males age 40 and older report that they have had a PSA test within
the past two years
Oral Health
40% reported report that
they have had no
permanent teeth extracted
39% reported that they have not had a dental visit within the past year
Alcohol Consumption
12% report that they are at risk from binge drinking
Seat Belt Usage
27% report that they never use seat belts
14% report that they sometimes, seldom or never use seat belts
40% report that they have never been tested for HIV
3% report that they have participated in high risk behavior during the past
twelve month